
1. Originally-Created Fantasy Fiction

This website features and promotes copyright-protected originally-created works of sexually-explicit fantasy fiction, offered for entertainment purposes only. Peach Supreme is an originally-created fantasy fiction character

2. Content by and for adults only

This website contains sexually explicit content which uses sexually explicit language to describe sexually explicit scenarios. By visiting our website, you affirm that you are 18 years of age or older, and wish to read or hear sexually explicit content. Content on our website is not intended or appropriate for those younger than 18, or for those who do not wish to read or hear sexually explicit content.

All content on our website was created by adults.

Peach Supreme, and all the characters in our website’s sexually-explicit fantasy fictional content are adults, including the characters in point-of-view content: in point-of-view content wherein “I” addresses “you,” the characters “I” and “you” are adults.

3. Degrading Content

Degrading, bullying, and humiliation-themed content on our website is intended only for a self-selecting consenting audience who actively seeks content designed to explore the fantasy of being degraded, bullied, or humiliated. We do not endorse—and, in fact, deplore and condemn—degradation, bullying, or humiliation that occurs without mutual consent.

4. Domination Content

Domination-themed content on our website is presented for a self-selecting consenting audience who actively seeks content designed to explore fantasies of loss of control or cognitive capacity. The content consumer is advised that point-of-view domination content, including content on the themes of “Mesmerize,” “Persuasive Suggestions,” and “Witch,” is for entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as intended or able to override consumers’ foundational consent, judgment, self-interest, common sense, or responsibility for their own choices and actions.

5. Violence and Harm to Sentient Creatures

This website and its content creators condemn and deplore violence. We do not offer content that features animals in any way. In our BDSM content, pain, discomfort, and distress are explored in the context of the submissive party’s ultimate gratification and foundational consent.

6. Advice

This website does not contain or offer medical advice, legal advice, or financial advice. If, in the course of the fantasy fiction contained herein, a medical, legal, or financial theme or scenario arises, the actions of the characters are solely meant to offer entertainment. Actions of characters are not advice, and should not be construed as offering advice.

7. Erotic Audio Safety

Because sexually-explicit material has the inherent potential to be distracting, you’re advised not to drive or operate heavy equipment while listening to erotic audio. Unless you consider stroking your boner to be “operating heavy equipment.” In which, that’s cool, by all means, operate away.